Broke-to-Better Blogs, Nomopofolks Association, Dallas, Texas
Aging Success Stories
Rumor has it, that it is stated in the bible we are to live to the ripe old age of 120 full of energy, having an enjoyable sex life and full of faith like Abraham. Most people believe that it is 70. This article is not written for a theological nor historical debate. It is written to let you know what you maybe missing out on in life if you are not taking care of yourself by eating right, exercising, enjoying some form of positive interaction with others, and listening to something positive everyday. In other words, Aging and Good Sex Ask any cougar when dating a younger man, she will say ‘age is just a number’ or you are as healthy as you live. There is a whole lot of truth, in the cougars remark. Life does not stop because your hair is turning gray and the body hurts a little before it rains or turns cold. First and foremost, you have to eat right, this is the fuel your body needs to run well. Unfortunately, you have to eat a lot of fruits, vegetables and very little red meat, with a lot of water during the day. Exercise 3 to 4 times a week for 30 minutes…I know, the same thing the Doctor said. If you can get yourself in a routine to do this, it might eliminate the need for ‘blue pill’ at night. Yes, if your internal system is clean of toxins and your energy is up you can enjoy sex until you die. Eating Right Believing trumps aging. What you believe about yourself trumps what age you are. You are as old as you think and feel. Our focus will determine our level of satisfaction in life. Those who stay young in spirit regularly look for evidence of the GOD in their lives—ways He is work providing, loving, and guiding. Without this perspective, the pain and problems of life can take center stage, which can easily lead to bitterness, discouragement and never-ending grumbling. You must have a positive attitude and outlook about life to get through it. Look for things to love through out your day. We can also age ourselves by carrying burdens that believers are not meant to bear. Jesus Christ invites the weary and heavy-laden to come to Him and find peace. He wants us to get under His yoke and allow Him to carry our load of cares and concerns. Our Savior has a solution for every burden and wants to help us transfer them to Him. …Let the stress go and let GOD handle the problems. What are you carrying that is aging your body, soul, and spirit? (bad children, bills, employees, neighbors, church members, ex-spouses, bosses who harassed and fired you). Try Jesus’ solutions: For bitterness, resentments, and a unforgiving spirit, forgive them and you; for guilt, confess the wrong and do a good deed; for regret over past sin, let it go and believe Christ has already forgiven you; and for anxiety, cast it on God, because He cares for you. His dream is better than your plans. Did you know exercising releases the stress from your body….without you knowing it…taking a daily walk for 30 minutes can release the ‘bad nerves’ from your body and you feel better. Physical Activities Next, identify all programs and services that can help you stay healthy and interact with people in positive environments, you don’t have to rock away alone at home. Positive Programs and Services Getting around town and seeing the sights, keep your license, current. The freedom to move around without others is very liberating as you age. Those youngun’s don’t need to be in old folks business. Driving Safety Looking to save a little money on purchases, now that you are age 55 and older Senior Discounts If you are an elderly person and need help with your lifestyle needs, reach out for help. Elderly Resources If you are a caregiver to your aging parents, who may not feel they need help, if you are overwhelmed feel free to reach out for help. Caregiver Resources Broke-to-Better Blogs, Nomopofolks Association, Dallas, Texas
We are more alike, my friends
Than we are unalike We are more alike, my friends Than we are unalike Maya Angelou Alleviating Poverty and Improving Peace!
Broke-to-Better Blogs, Nomopofolks Association, Dallas, Texas
AuthorAlways know, when you encounter problems, there is a 'wise' solution Archives
January 2023
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