Steps before you Invest
Amount to Invest
Invest $42 week at 10% interest, work 10years = $1 million dollar
Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR), shows 10.04% average S&P 500 return from 1928 to 2020.
Where to Invest
Best recommended........ Pick Market Leading Growth Companies by Industry (stocks)
Best recommended strategy long term.....Buy and Hold in S&P 500 index mutual funds
Best recommended strategy long term.....Buy and Hold in S&P 500 index mutual funds
Historically, if interest rates are low, stocks and bond returns are high (no CD's)
and if interest rates are rising up may mean move to cash (CD's)
and if interest rates are rising up may mean move to cash (CD's)
Historically if dividends < 3 means stock are expensive,
if yields > 6 stock market stocks are cheap to buy
....purchasing yields between 4 - 7 has been profitable long term for most investors
if yields > 6 stock market stocks are cheap to buy
....purchasing yields between 4 - 7 has been profitable long term for most investors
Note: if a stock has p/e > 25.....may mean stock price is to high...move to cash or low p/e stock
Note: buy (low) if your stock p/e > 4...rising to..... p/e stock > 26....sell (high)
Historically if a stock price/sales fundamental is rising from 0.25 to 3 it will make money, when your stock or stock market hit p/s > 3 may mean move to cash or to a low p/s stock