Knowledge is one of the ways to break the shackles of a limiting environment (depression, illiteracy, poverty). No matter how grim your world is if you can hear or read about the accomplishments of others, you can create the beliefs that allow you to succeed.
Tony Robbins, motivational speaker
Things to Consider:
Pray to GOD for a creative idea to sell or talent (gift) in your community that fulfills a need
Creative idea to the world
Make Friends with good people, leave negative people alone
Signs of Negative People
Take career assessment test to find passion area
Job Assessment Resources
Take a spiritual gifts assessment, if you attend church
Spiritual Gifts Resources
Pray for a mentor to develop your talent
You can literally get rich just by having the right conversation with the right person.
Mentoring Resources
If you dropped out of school, Go back to School for specialized training
Career/Vocational Training
Associate with co-workers, friends and join industry associations to learn more about area of interest. Also to find personal cheerleaders on the same path to success.
Career Associations
Read articles about or listen to CD/DVD's of role models working in the area of your passion
Success Stories
Volunteer/ work part-time at community agencies or business in areas that interest you that will build your passionate skill
How to find your dream job
Always know, you can live a better life , with a little work and GOD, better days are ahead of you
Picture it and develop the skills
Once you get on track, continue to improve your workplace skills
Workplace Skills Training
Broke-to-Better blogs, nomopofolks association, dallas, texas
Tony Robbins, motivational speaker
Things to Consider:
Pray to GOD for a creative idea to sell or talent (gift) in your community that fulfills a need
Creative idea to the world
Make Friends with good people, leave negative people alone
Signs of Negative People
Take career assessment test to find passion area
Job Assessment Resources
Take a spiritual gifts assessment, if you attend church
Spiritual Gifts Resources
Pray for a mentor to develop your talent
You can literally get rich just by having the right conversation with the right person.
Mentoring Resources
If you dropped out of school, Go back to School for specialized training
Career/Vocational Training
Associate with co-workers, friends and join industry associations to learn more about area of interest. Also to find personal cheerleaders on the same path to success.
Career Associations
Read articles about or listen to CD/DVD's of role models working in the area of your passion
Success Stories
Volunteer/ work part-time at community agencies or business in areas that interest you that will build your passionate skill
How to find your dream job
Always know, you can live a better life , with a little work and GOD, better days are ahead of you
Picture it and develop the skills
Once you get on track, continue to improve your workplace skills
Workplace Skills Training
Broke-to-Better blogs, nomopofolks association, dallas, texas